Sunday, December 13, 2009

Do You Have a Bailout Plan?

Do You Have a Bailout Plan

Author: will robinson

In the 80s and 90s the economy wasn't really that bad for some. As a matter of more millionaire were created during that time then in other time in this nation history. If that didn't get you attention listen to this. In 1989, the number had reached 1.3 million. In the past decade, the number of American families whose net worth is at least $1 million has soared to 5 million". But, what will happen now after soaring gas prices, war in Iraq and Afghanistan. If that wasn't enough The Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac mortgage disaster could send ripple effects across this country for the next 10-20 years. The solution to the problem a economic bailout doesn't look to promising now. Nor, does the stimulus package. Will the Bailout Plan create more millionaires or billionaires? I don't think so. Will the stimulus create more millionaires or billionaires? I can't really say, but opportunities in a tough economy must be taken advantage of. Businesses must be created that would offer discounts and income that will be enough that one can survive on.It appears that the internet opportunities can offer just that. With the gas prices up one day and down the next, the internet offers savings. A home based business would reduce travel and other expenses. Some businesses already online offer discount coupon and savings to shop at popular stores, while others offer deals on computers and communication items. To make it in this economy one must become a wise steward. Money management and wise calculated choice could create millionaires even today. But, it will not be like the 80s and the 90s. Perhaps, you can prevent foreclosure on your home. That would be nice. The question is for those that are not millionaires or billionaires, what is your bailout plan? Is there a stimulus package that could ever get you out of the debt that you are in? If your answer is no. Then you need to consider creating your financial bailout plan today before it's too late.


Dinesh D'Souza, a research scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, is working on his forthcoming book, The Moral Conundrum of Success.

Article by Will Robinson for

About the Author:

Just an ordinary guy with question and possible solutions.

Article Source: - Do You Have a Bailout Plan

Thursday, August 6, 2009

New To The City or State?

Perhaps, you are new to the city or state. If so I think that some of these links may be helpful to you. So, many come to a new state and city and have no idea where to find stuff. This is just a few links that may get you started.